Introducing Sage…..


Sage is Dyna’s sister who flew home with us in May, 2006…  two baby girls tucked into the same Sherpa bag. Sage was a tiny girl compared to Dyna, very sweet and petite and they both were wonderful little travelers. Her new family, Judi and Craig were delighted to meet her for the first time.










We got the sisters (and a couple Bouv friends) together again on March 29, 2007… a belated first birthday for the little girls and a good time was had by all. Sage was a delightful hostess and had a lot of fun learning some new Bouvier games from the gang of three we brought along.


Sage also got her first real big girl Bouv haircut and was such a good girl on the table. Judi has done such a great job keeping her brushed and combed out, so it was just a matter of stripping out that puppy coat and then trimming her up and clipping toenails.






Here’s the front three of the Green Bay Packers waiting for Dyna to hit the line…


From L-R … Frank, Sage, Kyra (Frank’s baby sister).











What was most amazing to me is that this little peanut girl is now bigger than Dyna…taller and with more body. She reminds me so much of her poppa Mikey, both in her looks and her happy personality.






Sage in the yard……

“Ut-oh…where did they all go???”









All trimmed and pretty, but darn… don’t tell me it’s time for all my friends to leave…..



Odds are though that she’ll be getting together with her friends again soon…