Here are a few more pictures of the Echo Bouviers.


On the Portland Waterfront


Here is Sue, Sam (l) and Chevelle (r) on a dock of the Portland waterfront.


Chevelle Chewing Bone





Chev, doing a little lite gnawing on one of her favorite bones (and mucking her beard up in the process).

Note that there use to be a ball joint on both ends of this bone.



Chevelle Looking Over Domain


Chev looking out over her domain. She lays in this position a lot, usually so that she has as broad a view as possible of the surrounding territory... as if watching over her flock of sheep.



Mona At Camp Jordan



Mona, looking real happy as she starts summer camp at Camp Jordan in Walla Walla, WA. She takes her job of protecting the walnut trees from squirrels very seriously. <grin>

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